News Item
We first learned about News Report in our first English class after mid terms, which was on the 28th of October. Mr. Ach greeted the class and shared his PowerPoint on the infocus, he explained what we will be learning today before showing us 2 different kinds of news report videos. The first one was VERY adorable, it was a report on dogs used as therapy in hospitals that are proven to increase happiness among patients. Couldn't really focus on what the lady was saying as my eyes were glued to the cute dogs but essentially those dogs are trained to be therapy dogs and they go around hospitals entertaining patients, especially kid patients. They are proven to decrease nervousness and the patients are more willing to receive their treatments when the dogs are around. The second video was about an erupting volcano, the news reporter was reporting live on the scene as the red hot lava erupting from the mountain became his background. He showed us the current condition there, although it was still missing a source person as i wanted to see him interview locals there to ask some questions.
Anyway, after seeing those 2 videos Mr. Ach asked us the major difference that lies in those 2 reports. Following a series of answers spoken by me, aidan, sasha, cicin and kira, we were told to read another news report, in text form this time. It was a writing about the upcoming Mario bros movie starring Chris Pratt, we were told to look for key events there.
Afterwards, it was back to the PowerPoint and he presented the material for the topic. Here is a note that I made in that class
Structures of news item
1. why is the news so important and or interesting to you? (the main and key points)
2. what happened there? (background events)
3. who are the witnesses (interviewees)
The purpose of the text : to inform the readers about a (considered) newsworthy or important events of the day.
Following the PowerPoint, Mr. Ach assigned us a major task, which is making a legit news report supported by an interview/survey by a source. I chose "the change of daily habits due to health protocols in the female dormitory" in light of our current situation.
and here are the interview questions that I will ask to either Bu Anne or Bu Afi
1. who are the people responsible for implementing these new rules in the female dormitory? 2. how are the dormitory coaches adapting to this current situation? 3. what is the most notable difference in the new rules compared to the old one? 4. if given the opportunity to choose, would you prefer the old, covid-less situation with the previous regulations or this new normal situation with the renewed regulations
I am planning to carry out the interview later today and I will hopefully finish the report by tomorrow morning!
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